Route 66, the adventure begins

North America

Plan your trip along Route 66

Are you planning to travel Route 66 by car? In this section you will find all the information you may need to go through it.

We are going to tell you how to plan the route, what to take into account, tips and tricks so that you can organize Route 66 on your own.

Do you want to know which are the most important cities and towns? What documentation will you need for the United States? What tours to do, where to sleep, where to stop, etc.? Keep Reading!

Route 66 is one of the most famous roads that all road trip lovers want to drive at some point.

That’s why we’ve created this page, with all the information you need in one place, so you can organize your trip on your own and enjoy it.

One of the most useful things we have created based on the experience of planning road trips is the “Road Trips Planner”.Road Trips Planner“. There are 45 PDF templates that you can print at home, which helps you throughout the preparation process. The good thing is that you keep it on your computer, and it serves you for all the trips you’re going to make.

travel planner to print

Download the trip planner

Plan Your Trips Easily

With the Printable Travel Planner, you can plan all your trips without stress and have all the steps, itineraries, and reservations under control.

Chicago, Illinois

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Ghost Towns, Route 66, Hackberry

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Cities on Route 66

The 25 Most Important Cities on Route 66

Blue Swallow motel route 66

Route 66 from Santa Rosa, NM to Amarillo, TX

Route 66 Itinerary from Grants to Santa Rosa

Route 66, road trip USA

Route 66. Stretch from Holbrook AZ to Grants NM

McLean Gas Station Route 66

Route 66 15-Day Itinerary. Planning and Budget


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New Mexico

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