Travel Insurance for Working Holidays Visa in France
Do you already have your working holiday to live in France for a year, or are you considering coming to live in France and want to try the Working Holidays?
You know you need to have health insurance to live in France during your one-year Working Holiday.
It is a mandatory requirement for this Visa in France.
If you can’t apply for a French Working Holiday Visa, check this post to apply for a French Regular Visa.
Working Holidays Visa Travel Insurance
Travel Insurance for the Working Holiday Visa
As you know, one of the requirements to obtain a Working Holiday Visa in France is to present travel insurance for the time of your trip.
This insurance has to cover health and accidents that may occur during your stay in France. In addition, you have to cover the expenses related to illness, hospitalization, maternity, and disability for the 365 days of your visa, with a minimum amount of 30,000 Euros.
With the Working Holiday Visa, you need health and accident insurance for your entire stay in France.
What Insurance can you Buy for your Working Holiday in France?
You will see many travel insurers online for all kinds of visas and trips abroad. But I want to recommend it to you since you’re going to France, a French insurance company.
This company knows how health & social security works in France and, of course, knows all the requirements you are asked at the French Consulate to obtain a Working Holiday.
That’s why I think buying travel insurance with this French company is your best option. Besides, they have customer service in English and meet all the requirements required by this Visa.
Working Holiday France insurance features
When you get to France, you won’t have French social security. Chapka’s Cap Working Holiday France insurance covers your medical and hospitalization expenses in the event of sudden illness and a serious accident.
You will enjoy a complete package of guarantees of assistance, repatriation, civil liability, and coverage of your luggage.
This travel insurance will cover you in your day-to-day in France, whether during your work, in your leisure moments, when you do sports, or even if you travel to another country.
Insurance Guarantees
- Assistance and repatriation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with customer service in English: Real Expenses
- Medical and hospitalization expenses: up to 50,000 euros with a franchise of 20 euros per consultation. Learn more about medical expense coverage
- Urgent dental expenses: up to $200 with a franchisee of $20 per consultation
- Maternity: 75% of actual expenses up to 10,000 euros, the 6-month gap period
- Presence of a relative in case of hospitalization: Round trip ticket + hotel
- Early return (in case of hospitalization or death of a family member): Round-trip ticket
- Baggage insurance: $1,000 with a $30 claim allowance
- Search and rescue expenses: $5,000
- Civil liability “private life” abroad: 4,000,000
- Accidents during the trip: 15,000 euros in case of death and 50,000 euros in case of disability
Coverage area:
- Coverage in France for holidays of less than 30 days. Coverage worldwide as a tourist 90 days WHV coverage in your country as a tourist and when you work ~
- Coverage for tourist trips of up to 30 days worldwide and in your country of residence.
The conditions of contract
- Age between 18 and 31 years old (35 years old for Canadians, Australians, and Argentines)
- Reside in one of the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, South Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Russia, or Uruguay
- Mandatory: France has granted you a Working Holiday visa
- Take out this travel insurance for a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 12 months
- Insurance can be extended by being already in France (for renewals of less than 3 months, contact our customer service)
Requirements to Get a Working Holiday in France?
Do you want to know what all the requirements to get this Visa are? In this post, I make a small summary, and in another article, I will tell you all the details about applying for your visa and come to live in France for a year and who knows, if you like, stay.
Working Holiday Visa Price
- This visa is free for some countries, so you won’t have to pay for anything.
- For example: In Chile, they have to pay 99 euros for the visa. But the Argentinians have it for free.
Do I have to speak French to get the Visa?
It is not a requirement to obtain a visa. But if it is advisable to find work in France, have minimal notions of French. It all depends on the kind of work you want to do.
What is the deadline for obtaining it?
The deadline for obtaining a Working Holiday Visa is about 15 days.
When can you apply?
Once the deadlines for applying for the Working Holiday are opened at the Consulate of France, you have to make the application.
Do not buy tickets before you are confirmed for the Visa. Quotas change depending on the country. Therefore, it is best to book your flight and apply for a visa no later than 3 months before the date of your flight.
But you have to make sure that the deadlines for applying for WHF are open and that there are still quotas.
Where is Working Holiday France requested?
The Working Holiday of France is requested at the French consulate in your country. Check online at the French Consulate. If you are from another country with which the Working Holiday Visa agreement exists, you must apply at the French consulate in your home country.
More requirements for the VISA?
- Prove you have 2500 euros in your account
- Have travel insurance for your stay in France
- Write a motivation letter.
- Passport updated
If you have any questions about life in France, leave me a comment.
Are you thinking of sightseeing in France? Here are a lot of ideas
Plan Your Trip to France
- How to organize your trip to Paris
- What to see in Paris in 5 days
- Visit Mont St-Michel
- Road Trip by the Alsace in 4 days
Last Updated on 3 October, 2023 by Veronica
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Author: Veronica
Vero, a seasoned traveler, has explored 25 countries and lived in five, gaining a rich perspective and fostering an infectious passion for travel. With a heart full of wanderlust, Vero uncovers the world’s hidden gems and shares insights, tips, and planning advice to inspire and assist fellow adventurers. Join Vero and let the shared passion for travel create unforgettable memories.