How to Get to Mont Saint Michel from Paris?

How to Get to Mont-Saint-Michel by Train?

The easiest way to get to Mont Saint-Michel from Paris is to take a direct train to Rennes.

But there are two ways: (a) Paris to Rennes by Train + Bus to Mt-St-Michel, and (b) Train Paris to Pontorson + Bus to Mont St Michel.

Where to Sleep in Rennes?

Spend a day in Rennes; in the morning, you can take the Mont-Saint-Michel.

Paris to Rennes by Train + Bus to Mt-St-Michel

– Arrives in Rennes in 2 hours and 5 minutes. – You can take a shuttle bus (Keolis) direct from Rennes to Mont Saint-Michel for about 15 €.

Train Paris to Pontorson + Bus to Mont St Michel

Accessible through the following train lines

Accessible through the following train lines:

– Trains from Paris Montparnasse to Pontorson > the shuttle bus from Pontorson to Mont-Saint-Michel. – From Pontorson > shuttle bus Mont-Saint-Michel